[Salon] Final Blow for Guaidó: Venezuelan Far-Right Opposition Eliminates ‘Interim Government’


December 23, 2022

Final Blow for Guaidó: Venezuelan Far-Right Opposition Eliminates ‘Interim Government’

At a press conference held this Wednesday, December 21, the far-right opposition politician, Alfonso Marquina, reported to a press conference that the Justice First (Primero Justicia, or PJ), Democratic Action (Acción Democrática, or AD) and A New Era (Un Nuevo Tiempo, or UNT) parties, all belonging to the so-called G4 party bloc of Venezuela, were to propose the elimination of everything related to the so-called interim government in 2023.

Before a proposal could be made by former deputy Juan Guaidó for the renewal of the fictitious Venezuelan National Assembly (AN), to be held on January 5, several far-right Venezuelan opposition parties, from within Guaidó’s own ranks, finally decided to take the plunge, distancing themselves from him. These same politicians also called for the removal of the interim government that has caused so much damage to the Venezuelan people.

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This proposal would include “the elimination of the entire interim government, except for three bodies that we consider necessary for the defense of assets abroad,” Marquina, the spokesperson for PJ, told the press conference, the specific bodies being the boards that were created to oversee PDVSA, the Central Bank, and the executive commission for ensuring transparency in the use of recovered assets.

During the press conference, Marquina stated that this was with the intention of maintaining legislative “responsibility” in relation to assets that Guaidó had been enriching himself from up until now. Marquina and Piero Maroun, the spokesperson for AD, further clarified that the fictitious ambassadorial positions established by Guaidó were also to be eliminated.

A few days earlier, former candidate for the presidency, Henrique Capriles Radonski, also distanced himself from Guaidó, and called for the cessation of the so-called “interim government.”

On the other hand, for the political leader of the Radical Cause (Causa R) party, Andrés Velásquez, concerns about support for Guaidó boil down to a couple of questions. “What reasons are there for not maintaining the interim government?” he asked. “In my view, none other than the arrogance and rearrangement of some parties. If it was necessary to reorganize, cut bureaucracy, establish greater controls, it could be done without liquidating the figure of the interim president.”

The decisions and doubts about all of this have come a bit late; three years after the fact, in reality. It should be noted that prior to November 31, this sector boasted about Guaidó, applauding and encouraging the requests for sanctions against the Venezuelan people. Now, they will make the modifications to the so-called Transition Statute so that it simply ceases to exist.

Only now, after a huge embezzlement of resources from companies like CITGO and Monómeros—not to mention the millions of dollars that the country has failed to receive due to the coercive and unilateral measures that came crashing upon the entire Venezuelan people—have they announced that Guaidó’s position, as the figure of the interim presidency, will be eliminated as of January 5, 2023.

(RedRadioVE) by Victoria Torres

Translation: Orinoco Tribune


Victoria Torres

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